PazOración por la PazAmberesPeace Meeting Antwerpen 2014Peace Meeting Tirana 2015

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Los videos del evento.

17 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 07:30

Reportage: la rencontre pour la paix à Anvers 2014

17 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 01:41

Priére inter-religieuse pour la paix en Côte d’Ivoire. Peace is the Future 2014

15 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 1:14:21

Cerimonia Finale - Peace is the Future 2014 - (IT)

13 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 1:28:41

Final Ceremony - Peace is the Future 2014 (EN)

11 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 02:13

Come costruire la pace? Intervista a Marco Impagliazzo - #peaceisthefuture 2014

11 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 14:43

Press conference with Andrea Riccardi #peaceisthefuture 2014

11 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 00

Youth for Peace in Ypres to remember World War I

11 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 00

Assemblea di Apertura - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 00

PANEL 23: Youth and Elderly - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 00

PANEL 21: Iraq: What Future? - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

9 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 29:09

Panel 1: Religions and Violence - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 00

PANEL 14: Art between conflicts and peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 07:26

PANEL 15 - Nigeria: Exiting from the Tunnel of Violence - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

8 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 04:17

PANEL 6: Seeking Peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)

6 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 54

Antwerpen, city of peace

6 Septiembre 2014 | duración: 01:51

100 years from WWI: peace begins from Antwerpen

otros videos
PEACE is the FUTURE. Religioni e Culture in dialogo 100 anni dopo la I Guerra MondialeAmberes / 7-9 de Septiembre de 2014


Religiones y culturas en diálogo,
cien años después de la Primera Guerra Mundial

Al llegar a la XXVIII edición, el Encuentro Internacional Hombres y Religiones organizado por la Comunidad de Sant'Egidio se llevará a cabo del 7 al 9 de septiembre en Amberes, Bélgica, y tendrá por título "La paz es el futuro: religiones y culturas en diálogo cien años después de la Primera Guerra Mundial".

La elección de la localidad, en el trágico aniversario de un conflicto que bañó de sangre toda Europa, responde a la exigencia de llevar el "espíritu de Asís" al mundo de hoy, sin dejar perder el recuerdo de la historia y sin renunciar al compromiso en el presente, que nos pide "conservar encendida la lámpara de la esperanza, orando y trabajando por la paz", como dijo el papa Francisco recibiendo en audiencia a los participantes en el Encuentro de Roma el 30 de septiembre de 2013.

En esa senda, el Encuentro de Amberes se propone responder a la creciente exigencia de diálogo por la paz, y no quiere eludir una obligada reflexión sobre las crisis actuales, sobre el tema dramáticamente actual de las persecuciones de los cristianos, y sobre el riesgo de justificar religiosamente la violencia.

Además de centrar la atención en los conflictos y  en las tensiones internacionales todavía en curso, así como en la responsabilidad de las religiones y de las personas de buena voluntad en construir un mundo solidario en el que crezca la cultura de la tolerancia y de la vida, el encuentro afrontará, entre otros, los temas del desarrollo sostenible, la inmigración, la pobreza, la educación a la paz, el martirio en el tiempo presente, la violencia de matriz religiosa, la unidad de los cristianos o el diálogo con el islam.

Junto a personalidades del mundo católico, de la cultura y del diálogo interreligioso, en el Encuentro participarán exponentes de las recién elegidas instituciones europeas.




Celebración Eucarística

En presencia de representantes de las Iglesias cristianas y de las comunidades eclesiales.


Johan Jozef Bonny

Obispo de Amberes, Bélgica


Ignatius Aphrem II

Patriarca siroortodoxo de Antoquía y de todo Oriente




Hilde Kieboom

Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, Bélgica

Palabras de bienvenida

Kris Peeters

Co-formador del Gobierno Federal, Bélgica


Andrea Riccardi

Historiador, Fundador de la Comunidad de Sant'Egidio

Zygmunt Bauman

Sociólogo y filósofo, Polonia

Herman Van Rompuy

Presidente del Consejo Europeo



Vian Dakheel

Comunidad yazidí, miembro del Parlamento, Irak

La paz es una obra abierta a todos: la aportación de las religiones

Ignatius Aphrem II

Patriarca siroortodoxo de Antoquía y de todo Oriente

Shawki Ibrahim Abdel-Karim Allam

Gran Muftí de la República Árabe de Egipto

Gijun Sugitani

Consejero supremo de la escuela budista Tendai, Japón





Marc Stenger

Obispo católico, Francia


Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad

Gran imán de la mezquita de Lahore, Pakistán

Paul Bhatti

Presidente de la Alianza de todas las minorías de Pakistán

Samir Franjieh

Político e intelectual, Líbano

Abdul Majeed Al-Najjar

Miembro de la Asamblea Constituyente, Túnez

Domenico Quirico

Periodista y escritor, Italia

Jerry White

Departamento de Estado, EEUU





David Rosen

Rabino, Director de la Junta del KAICIID, Israel


Christophe de Margerie

Presidente y director general de TOTAL, Francia

Augusto Forti

Vicepresidente de Ideasolidarité, Italia

Mauro Gambetti

Custodio del Sagrado Convento de Asís, Italia

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Universidad de Columbia, Consejero especial del Secretario General de la ONU







Michel Camdessus

Gobernador honorario del Banco de Francia


Martin Junge

Secretario General de la Federación Luterana Mundial (LWF)

Thomas Leysen

Presidente de "KBC and Umicore", Bélgica

Katherine Marshall

Vicepresidenta de la G20 Interfaith Association, EEUU

Antonio Tajani

Viceministro del Consejo de ministros, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Internacional, Italia




Ambrogio Spreafico

Obispo católico, Italia



Obispo ortodoxo, Iglesia copta, Egipto

Antoine Guggenheim

Director del “Collèges des Bernardins”, Francia

Albert Guigui

Rabino Jefe de Bruselas, Bélgica

Jürgen Johannesdotter

Obispo luterano, Alemania

Koichi Kawamoto

Director del "Academic Research Institute of Rissho Kosei Kai, Japón


Obispo metropolita ortodoxo, Patriarcado de Rumanía




Matteo Zuppi

Cardenal, arzobispo de Bolonia (Italia), Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Italiana


Sayyed Mohammad Ali Abtahi

Presidente del Instituto para el Diálogo Interreligioso, Irán

Abdullah Demirbaş

Partido Democrático Popular, Turquía

Sarra Fadika

Vicepresidente dell’Assemblea Nazionale, Costa d’Avorio

Lea Koyassoum Doumta

Vicepresidente del Parlamento, República Centroafricana

Slaheddine Jourchi

Periodista y activista pro derechos humanos, Túnez

Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

Presidente del Frente Moro de Liberación Islámica, Filipinas




Agostino Giovagnoli

Historiador, Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, Italia


Said Aqil Siroj

Presidente del Consejo de la “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia

Haruhiko Hioki

Shinto Jinja Honcho, Japón

Vidya Jain

Director del Centro de Estudios gandhianos, Universidad de Rajastán, India

Jakushun Kinoshita

Presidente de la Escuela budista Tendai, Japón

Noriaki Nagao

Representante del Cuartel general Tenrikyo, Japón

Masahiro Sato

Director del Instituto de Investigación Intercultural del "Meiji Jingu", Japón

Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi

Presidente de la “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia





John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan

Cardenal, arzobispo de Abuja, Nigeria


Jesus Delgado

Vicario general de la diócesis de San Salvador, El Salvador

Dionysius Jean Kawak

Arzobispo ortodoxo, Iglesia siria

Angelo Romano

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Italia

Brian C. Stiller

Embajador Global de la Alianza Evangélica Mundial

Virgil Bercea

Obispo grecocatólico, Rumanía




Johan Jozef Bonny

Obispo de Amberes, Bélgica



Metropolita ortodoxo, Patriarcado ecuménico

Richard Chartres

Obispo anglicano de Londres, Reino Unido

Martin Junge

Secretario General de la Federación Luterana Mundial (LWF)


Metropolita ortodoxo, Patriarcado de Moscú


Metropolita ortodoxo, Iglesia de Chipre




Leon Lemmens

Obispo católico, Bélgica


Zygmunt Bauman

Sociólogo y filósofo, Polonia

Bernhard Felmberg

Ministro de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico, Alemania

Vivian Liska

Director del Centro de Estudios judíos, Bélgica

Mario Morcone

Director del Consejo Italiano para los Refugiados

Daniela Pompei

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Italia

Paul Scheffer

Universidad de Tilburg, Holanda




Ambrogio Spreafico

Obispo católico, Italia


Jawad Al-Khoei

Secretario General del Instituto Al-Khoei, Irak

Klaus Krämer

Presidente de "Missio Aachen", Alemania

Paulo Lockmann

Presidente del Consejo Metodista Mundial

Siti Musdah Mulia

Representante de la "Conferencia Indonesia de las Religiones por la Paz"

Jerzy Norel

Vicario general del Orden de los Frailes Menores Conventuales

David Rosen

Rabino, Director de la Junta del KAICIID, Israel




Antonio Ferrari

Periodista y ensayista, Italia


Daniel Deckers

Periodista del "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Alemania

Ira N. Forman

Departamento de Estado, EEUU

M'hamed Krichen

Periodista de “Al-Jazeera”, Túnez

Vincent Montagne

Presidente del “Groupe Media Participation”, Francia

Jean-Claude Petit

Periodista y escritor, Francia

Rudi Vranckx

Periodista del “VRT”, Bélgica




Jaume Castro

Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, España


Jaron Engelmayer

Rabino jefe de Viena, Austria

Robert Innes

Obispo anglicano para Europa


Metropolita ortodoxo, Patriarcado de Rumanía

Juvénal Nzosaba

Unión de las Iglesias Bautistas de Burundi

Valérie Régnier

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Francia

Laurent Ulrich

Arzobispo de París, Francia





Jan De Volder

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Bélgica


Muhammad Ashafa

Imán del "Interfaith Mediation Centre", Nigeria

Ignatius Ayau Kaigama

Arzobispo católico, Nigeria

Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos

Instituto de Geopolítica, Francia

James Wuye

Pastor del "Interfaith Mediation Centre", Nigeria




Crescenzio Sepe

Cardenal, arzobispo de Nápoles, Italia


Khadija Benguenna

Periodista de “Al Jazeera”, Argelia

Yoshitaka Hatakeyama

Secretario general de la Conferencia Asiática de Religiones por la Paz, Japón

Israel Singer

Rabino, Touro University, EEUU

Didi Talwalkar

Líder del Movimento “Swadhyaya”, India




Guy Harpigny

Obispo católico, Bélgica



Obispo ortodoxo, Iglesia serbia

Raphael Cohen-Almagor

Universidad de Hull, Reino Unido

Jean-Pierre Denis

Director de "La Vie", Francia

Vincenzo Paglia

Arzobispo católico, presidente de la Pontificia Academia por la Vida, Santa Sede





Hendrik Hoet

Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, Bélgica


Ahmed Azzouz

Inspector de religión islámica, Bélgica

Tamara Chikunova

Activista pro derechos humanos, Uzbekistán

Lisa Palmieri - Billig

American Jewish Committee, EEUU

Raj Kumar Srivastava

Centro hinduista para las "Sociedades en vías de Desarrollo, India





Cornelio Sommaruga

Ex presidente del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, Suiza


Vinko Puljic

Cardenal, arzobispo de Vrhobosna-Sarajevo

Eugenio Bernardini

Ex Moderador de la Mesa Valdense, Italia

Richard Chartres

Obispo anglicano de Londres, Reino Unido

Mario Marazziti

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Italia

Jan Wouters

Universidad de Lovania, Bélgica




Crescenzio Sepe

Cardenal, arzobispo de Nápoles, Italia


Philippe Ouédraogo

Cardinal, Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Avichai Apel

Rabino de Frankfurt, Alemania

François Clavairoly

Presidente de la Federación Protestante de Francia

Bagrat Galstanyan

Orthodox Bishop, Armenian Church

Karl Hinrich Manzke

Obispo luterano, Alemania

Armand Puig I Tàrrech

Teólogo católico, España




Pierre Morel

Director of “Pharos Observatory. Cultural & religious pluralism”, France



Metropolita ortodoxo, Grecia

Jean-Arnold de Clermont

Pastor de la Iglesia reformada de Francia

Patrick H. Daly

Secretary General of COMECE

Jonan Fernandez Erdocia

Secretary General for Peace and Coexistence of the Basque Government, Spain

Ursula Männle

President of the “Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung”, Germany




Mario Giro

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Italia


Louis Raphaël I Sako

Cardenal, Patriarca de Babilonia de los Caldeos, Irak

Jawad Al-Khoei

Secretario General del Instituto Al-Khoei, Irak

Vian Dakheel

Comunidad yazidí, miembro del Parlamento, Irak

Anwar Hadaya

Ninivah Provincial Council, Iraq

Kamal Muslim

Ministro de Asuntos Religiosos, Kurdistán

Joseph Yacoub

Catholic University of Lyon, France




Michel Santier

Obispo católico, Francia


Mohammed Achaibi

Viepresidente del Consejo Ejecutivo de los Musulmanes de Bélgica

Joachim Gnilka

Teólogo católico, Alemania

Syuhud Sahudi Marsudi

Presidente de la “Nahdlatul Ulama”, Indonesia

Jean Mbarga

Arcivescovo cattolico, Camerun

Anders Wejryd

Copresidente del Consejo Ecuménico de las Iglesias

Oded Wiener

Gran Rabinato de Israel




Angelo Scelzo

Vicedirector de la Sala de Prensa de la Santa Sede


Elard Alumando

Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, Malaui

David Brodman

Rabino jefe de Savyon, Israel

Stefan Dartmann

Presidente de Renovabis, Alemania

Aleksandra Kania

Socióloga, Polonia

Abdelfattah Mourou

Primer Vicepresidente del Parlamento, Túnez

Luc Van Looy

Obispo católico, Bélgica




Marco Gnavi

Comunidad de Sant’Egidio, Italia


Isak Haleve

Rabino jefe de Turquía


Arzobispo ortodoxo, Patriarcado de Rumanía

Benoit Standaert

Monje benedictino, Bélgica

Tep Vong

Patriarca del budismo camboyano

Sjirk Van Der Zee

Pastor protestante, Holanda

Olav Fykse Tveit

Obispo, Presidente del Consejo de la Iglesia de Noruega




Vittorio Ianari

Comunidad de Sant'Egidio, Italia


Paul Poupard

Cardenal, Santa Sede

Anwar Ibrahim

Miembro del Parlamento, Malasia

Mohammed Esslimani

Teólogo islámico, Egipto

Faisal Bin Muaammar

Secretario general del “KAICIID”, Arabia Saudita

Felix Anthony Machado

Arzobispo católico, India

Muhammad Khalid Masud

Miembro del Tribunal Supremo, Pakistán



Oración por la paz

En distintos lugares, según la religión, distintas salas del centro de la ciudad


Ignatius Aphrem II

Patriarca siroortodoxo de Antoquía y de todo Oriente

Olav Fykse Tveit

Obispo, Presidente del Consejo de la Iglesia de Noruega


Procesión de paz

Desde los lugares de oración, en procesión hacia el palco de la Grote Markt




Johan Jozef Bonny

Obispo de Amberes, Bélgica

Antonio Tajani

Viceministro del Consejo de ministros, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Internacional, Italia

Andrea Riccardi

Historiador, Fundador de la Comunidad de Sant'Egidio

Rita Prigmore

Comunidad gitana sinto, Alemania

Lea Koyassoum Doumta

Vicepresidente del Parlamento, República Centroafricana

Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim

Presidente del Frente Moro de Liberación Islámica, Filipinas

Lucjan Avgustini

Obispo católico, Albania


This page is also available in italiano, english, deutsch, français, nederlands

Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 3: Religious and Secular Believers in a Globalised World
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 7: Asia, religions and the dignity of human life
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 7: Asia, religions and the dignity of human life
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Youth from all over Europe visiting the war cemetery of Tyne Cot near Ypres, the front line of World War 1 #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
The Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Antwerpen is about to start! Many people are at work. They know #peaceisthefuture
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Eucharistic Celebration - Antwerpen 7th September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future - Antwerpen 7 September 2014
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
Photogallery del panel
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
Photogallery del panel
Panel 2: Sustainable Development and Fight against Poverty in 21st Century
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
The Opening Ceremony of Peace is the Future in Antwerpen on September 7th 2014
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PANEL 4: Economy in the service of Peace
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 5: The Believer, a person who experiences friendship
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PHOTOGALLERY of the Final Ceremony
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 8: Martyrs in Our Times
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014
Peace is the Future - La Habana, Cuba 9 settembre 2014