Impagliazzo Marco
Voorzitter van de Gemeenschap van Sant’Egidio

12 September 2023 10:30 | Axica Convention Center
Forum 19 - Durf vrede aan
• Marco Impagliazzo: In Berlin we questioned ourselves on how to build peace in many different parts of the world where peace is threatened by war. We are all bound by a common destiny, and therefore the responsibility to make this world better can only growIT | EN | DE | FR
17 September 2019 20:00 | Plaza de la Almudena

• Speech of Marco Impagliazzo
IT | EN | ES | FR | DE | PT
16 September 2019 10:00 | Seminario Conciliar de Madrid, Aula Magna
Panel 7 - Het Middellandse Zeegebied: samenleven is mogelijk

16 Oktober 2018 19:00 | Piazza Maggiore
Slottoespraken en getuigenissen

• Speech of Marco Impagliazzo
IT | EN | FR | PT | DE
18 September 2016 10:30 | Basilica Superiore di San Francesco
Eucharistic Celebration
In the presence of the representatives of the Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities

• Grußwort
IT | ES | DE