We are all familiar with the idyllic picture of Messianic times drawn by Isaiah (11:6) : The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the child; the calf and the young lion together; and a little child shall lead them.
However, this already happened once, as the bible recounts the story of the flood and the arch of Noah, where humans and animals all huddled together in Noah's Arc to survive the flood.
We, during the last two years also experienced something of that unity and peace, when during this pandemic all of our scientists, doctors and medical researchers from the world over, were looking for a remedy against COVID 19. We had much less wars, much less terrorist attack and much less crime in these times than during regular times.
But peace in times of floods and a pandemic is not permanent and deep. It is a provisional necessity. In order to achieve real peace and achieve the idyllic picture of Isaiah with the leopard and sheep grassing together, we all have to change internally, we have to pursue and struggle for peace.
From the depths of our souls, in our diversity and with all our differences, with our distinct national and religious narratives, with our individual histories, with our memories of past glories and disasters, we appeal to everyone to seek peace.
We appeal to every human created in the image of G-D to seek peace, to pray for peace, and to act for peace.
For that one of the names of G-d is peace !! שלום