Pompei Daniela
Community of Sant’Egidio, Italy

[ROME, ITALY - 1959]
A lecturer in Social Sciences, she is the head of the Community of Sant'Egidio for services to immigrants, refugees and Roma. She has received numerous international prizes and awards for her commitment to reception, protection and integration. She is the promoter and coordinator of the ‘Humanitarian Corridors’ that have so far allowed the arrival in Europe of 8,000 refugees in a situation of serious fragility.
September 23 2024 09:30 | Collège de France – Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs

• Intervento di Daniela Pompei
IT | DE | FR
September 11 2023 16:00 | Allianz Forum Berlin
Forum 8 - Migrant people: from humanitarian crisis to integration policies

• Daniela Pompei denuncia la mancanza di visione sull'immigrazione e richiama la necessità di passare dal difenderci al soccorrere perché la migrazione divenga leva di prosperità
September 12 2017 09:00 | Rathaus Muenster - Rathausfestsaal
PANEL 17: New Responses to Migration

• Speech of Daniela Pompei
September 8 2015 09:30 | Congress Palace
PANEL 22 : Migrants: a Global Challenge

• Contribution from Daniela Pompei
IT | EN | ES | FR
September 8 2014 16:30 | Auditorium BNP Paribas Fortis
PANEL 10: Immigration: New Europeans for a New Europe
• InterventoSeptember 30 2013 16:30 | Clemenza Hall, ABI
Panel 10
Migrations: Welcoming and Integrating

• Migrazioni: accoglienza e integrazione
September 10 2012 09:30 | Priests' House (Conference Hall)
PANEL 3 - Immigration: from Emergency to Integration

• Immigration: from emergency to integration
IT | EN | DE | ES
September 7 2009 09:30 | Dominican Convent
Panel 10 - Xenophobia and Philoxenia: Europe at a Crossroads

• Intervento