Clemenza Hall, ABI

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September 30 2013 09:00

Panel 1

The Value of Life and Vulnerability




Orthodox Metropolitan, Patriarchate of Romania

Peter Maurer

President of the International Red Cross Committee, Switzerland

Leonardo Palombi

Community of Sant'Egidio, Italy

Susanna Tamaro

Writer, Italy

Oded Wiener

Former General Director of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel

September 30 2013 16:30

Panel 10

Migrations: Welcoming and Integrating


Joan Enric Vives i Sicìlia

Catholic Archbishop and Co-Prince of Andorra, Spain


Antonio Maria Vegliò

Cardinal, President of the Pontifical Council for Migrants, Holy See

Jean-Pierre Denis

Director of La Vie, France

Alganesh Fessaha

President of “Gandhi Association”, Eritrea

José Angel Oropeza

Director of the Mediterranean Coordination of the IMO

Daniela Pompei

Community of Sant’Egidio, Italy

Heinrich Kreft

Ministry of Foregin Affairs, Germany

September 30 2013 18:30

Panel 21

The spirit of Assisi


Luigi Marrucci

Catholic Bishop, Italy


Alison L. Boden

Dean, University of Princeton, USA

Mohammed Esslimani

Islamic Theologian, Egypt

Gwenolé Jeusset

Franciscan friar, Turkey

Slaheddine Jourchi

Journalist and Human Rights activist, Tunisia

Aaron Malinsky

Rabbi of Antwerp, Belgium

Angelo Romano

Rector, Basilica di San Bartolomeo all'Isola Rome, Sanctuary of the New Martyrs

October 1 2013 09:30

Panel 24

The Suffering of Peoples and Paths to Peace


Hilde Kieboom

Vice-presidente da Comunitdade de Sant’Egidio


Vinko Puljic

Cardinal, Archbishop of Vrhbosna-Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Antoine Guggenheim

Director of the “Collèges des Bernardins”, France

Armash Nalbandian

Armenian Primate of Damascus, Syria

Rita Prigmore

Sinta woman, survived at Porrajmos

David Rosen

Rabbi, Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House (AFH) in Abu Dhabi, Israel

U Uttara

Buddhist monk, Myanmar