Spreafico Ambrogio
Catholic Bishop, Italy
[Italy - 1950]
A biblical scholar, he has conducted studies mainly on the Old Testament. He has been a bishop since 2008. From 2010 to 2015 he was President of the Commission for the Evangelisation of Peoples and Cooperation between Churches of the Italian Bishops' Conference. He is a member of the Vatican Dicasteries for the Causes of Saints, Interreligious Dialogue and Culture and Education.
September 11 2023 16:00 | Hilton Hotel
Forum 10 - The word of God: compass for our time

• Ambrogio Spreafico invita a riscoprire ascolto, memoria, visione come attitudini per riportare la parola di Dio a essere bussola per un tempo della libertà delle nostre scelte in risposta alla chiamata-parola di Dio.
September 17 2019 10:00 | Instituto Cervantes, Sala de Conferencias
Panel 20 - The Ecology and the Common Destiny

October 15 2018 17:30 | MEIS, National Italian Judaism and Shoah Museum
The New Frontiers of Jewish-Christian Dialogue
October 16 2018 09:30 | Sala Stabat Mater, Biblioteca Archiginnasio
Panel 24 - Christians and the Middle East

September 11 2017 09:30 | Bischoefliches Priesterseminar Borromaeum - Aula
PANEL 2: Environmental Emergency

• Intervento di Ambrogio Spreafico
September 20 2016 08:30 | Cittadella, Sala San Giovanni
PANEL 24: Religions as the Safeguards of Creation

• Intervento di Ambrogio Spreafico
September 7 2015 16:30 | Polytechnic University
PANEL 13 : Gratuitousness and the Global Market

• Intervento di Ambrogio Spreafico
September 8 2014 16:30 | Thomas More, Campus Carolus, Room 005
PANEL 11: Building a more Human Society Starting from the Poor
• InterventoSeptember 8 2014 09:30 | Thomas More, Campus Carolus, Room 109
PANEL 5: The Believer: a Person who Experiences Friendship

September 10 2012 16:30 | Mayor Seminar of Sarajevo (Hall Paul VI)
PANEL 16 - In Search of God to Find Man

• Contribution of Ambrogio Spreafico
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