Rosen David
Rabbi, Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House (AFH) in Abu Dhabi, Israel

[Newbury, UNITED STATES - 1951]
After serving as the AJC's International Director of Interfaith Affairs, he is now special advisor to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.
He has promoted understanding and good relations between religious communities for more than forty years, from his time as rabbi of the largest Orthodox Jewish congregation in South Africa, during his tenure as Chief Rabbi of Ireland and for the past thirty years in Jerusalem.
He has received very prestigious prizes and awards for his efforts to promote interfaith understanding and cooperation.
16 Setembro 2019 17:30 | Sala María Zambrano, Círculo de Bellas Artes
Painel 15 - Prevenir os genocídios

• Speech of David Rosen
7 Setembro 2009 16:30 | Teatro J. Słowacki
Panel 12 - João Paulo II e o “Espírito de Assis”

• Contribution
17 Novembro 2008 09:30 | Hilton Cyprus - Ballroom B
Panel 2 - João Paulo II e a profecia da paz

• Intervento di David Rosen