16 Setembro 2019 10:00 | Real Casa de Correos, Comunidad de Madrid

Painel 3 - Desarmamento e não-violência

Compartilhar Em


Luigi Marini

Magistrate, ltaly


Enzo Fortunato

World Children's Day Coordinator, HolySee

Martin Junge

Secretary General of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

Sudheendra Kulkarni

Hindu, Presidente da “OBSERVER RESEARCH FOUNDATION”, Índia

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Colombia University, Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General

Louis Raphaël I Sako

Cardinal, Patriarch of Babylon of Chaldeans, Iraq

Latifa Ibn Ziaten French

Witness, President of the Association for Youth and Peace (IMAD), France

(Madrid) Panel 3 - Disarmo e non-violenza
(Madrid) Panel 3 - Disarmo e non-violenza