Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth in Indonesia: cooperation and dialogue to meet the challenge of the pandemic
November 8 2021
#fraternityforfutureFollowing the Rome meeting "Peoples as Brothers, Future Earth", a day of dialogue and prayer for peace among religions took place in Indonesia, organised by the Community of Sant'Egidio.
The country has still strict measures in place to contrast Covid 19. Therefore, the meeting was organised in a hybrid form, connecting online different groups gathered according to prevention protocols. It was thus possible to meet again after months of isolation.
Representatives of different religions - Muslims, Buddhists, Confucians and Christians of different denominations - attended the central ceremony in Jakarta, most of them online. The event was simultaneously shared via the web in several cities where local events were taking place.
At the end of an open dialogue forum, the final ceremony concluded with the delivery and reading of the appeal. The lighting of the candelabra of peace took place simultaneously in four Indonesian cities: Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Padang and Kupang, all linked by video.