Krämer Klaus
President of Missio Aachen, Germany

[1964, Stuttgart, GERMANY]
Since 2008 he has been President of "Missio Aachen" and National Director for the Pontifical Mission Societies of Germany. In 2010 he was elected President of the Catholic Missionary Council and became President of "Kindermissionswerk", the most important German Catholic foundation for children welfare all over the world. He teaches Dogmatic and Missionary Sciences.
(September 2018)
October 15 2018 16:30 | Cappella Farnese, Palazzo d'Accursio
Panel 15 - Islam and Christianity: the Path of Encounter

September 11 2017 16:30 | Franz-Hitze-Haus, Oscar-Romero-Saal
PANEL 15: Muslims and Christians in Dialogue on Peace

September 7 2015 09:30 | National History Museum
PANEL 3 : Christians and Muslims and the Challenges of a Global World

September 8 2014 16:30 | Thomas More, Campus Carolus, Room 005
PANEL 11: Building a more Human Society Starting from the Poor
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